Monday, July 11, 2011

Learning a new skill!

For about a year now, I knew that when Keira was getting close to 2, I would either start having the baby urge again - or finally have time to learn to do something new, like a hobby of sorts! And I'm happy to say... I am learning something new! Done with babies.  With my friend's blessings, I took on sewing. A dear friend of mine was brave enough to lend me her sewing machine! Some other friends have been my cheer leaders. Gosh, I am thankful for these people - you know who you are!
So I started by reading through the manual of the sewing machine - learning each part and what it does. I practiced taking out and inserting the bobbin case thingy (still learning correct terminology!) I threaded the needle over and over again until I could get it right. Then I would study all the different types of stitching and on and on and on.  I got a great, easy pillowcase pattern (sent by my awesome friend!). I didn't have high expectations of myself. I told the lady at the sewing store that my first goal was to sew a straight line. The pillowcase pattern was practice for that.  And I sewed my first pillowcase!

It's mostly rectangular, but far from perfect. But I still managed to do it. That was enough to boost my confidence and move on to something bigger and better. Next is The Tote Bag

I was grinning when I finished this! I sewed the handle in the wrong place at first and had to re-do that. Other than that, It came out pretty good if I do say sew myself (haha).

Now I am hooked on sewing. I need a good "sew fix" every day. With limited material, I whipped this little toss pillow which is for Keira.

Today I had the opportunity to go back to the fabric store...which I'm gonna stop right here for a second and backtrack to my childhood...

Once upon a time, young Kristin (age 6+) was forced to go to the fabric store several times in her childhood. She hated it with every fiber of her being. It was sooooo boring. The ONLY thing half fun about going to the fabric store was hiding in the rows and rows of fabric, playing hide and seek with my sister. Otherwise, the fabric store was despised. The end.

Ok, now back to today at the fabric store. I LOVE THE FABRIC STORE!!! I love everyone that works there and I love the smell, the lighting, and the rows and rows of material beckoning me to sew them into masterpieces!
I picked up a few different kinds of material. The cutest one was a hot pink floral print I planned to make Selina and her BFF Claire matching skirts. And that's just what I did!  I made Selina's first to see where I could improve when making Claire's. Overall, I am pleased with the results :)


What to make next? Oh the possibilities are endless!!


Kimberly said...

I am SO impressed with you! And not just because the idea of sewing really intimidates me.

Pinterest and Sewing - you are superwoman this week!

Kristin said...

Thank you Kim!! It's all so fun fun fun!!

the blu moo said...

well.....holy (enter curse word)! you did it!!!!! you even did the pinterest skirt!!! you are awesome!! good job! every momma needs to sew:) great, awesome, fantastic job!!!

jillmoore said...

Wow, Kristin...impressive. This is perfect, since you have two (well, three!) girls! I know what you mean about needing a hobby...I'm cultivating a couple myself, and it feels great!!!

Lindsay @ said...

Kristen--Thanks for your comment on my pillowcase dress tutorial! I'm always so excited to hear from new sewers! It's addicting, right?

I wasn't able to reply back to your comment directly so I hope you don't mind me posting my response here!

If you want to send dresses to Africa you can find specific instructions on the Little Dresses for Africa website:

B/c it's a little convoluted to navigate through that site here's the address to send donations to. . .
Dresses can be sent to:

Little Dresses for Africa
24614 Curtis Drive
Brownstown, MI 48134

Thanks again!! And keep sewing! This stuff looks great!